My Art, My Heart
I believe in Art for art's sake.
Because for the things I make,
I do not always have a stake.
Mehn! I have created experiences from mistakes.
Because I am Art.
Just outside Idia Hall, where we held Arts N Chill (Agbowo)
When you define me by intentionality you box me.
Trying to define me my beauty hurts that you explain me by contextual validity?
Who defines what is aesthetic?
It is me and I appreciate the fact that you connect with me.
But I am free.
I flow through crevices unknown looking for spaces beyond spaces.
I burst out in thoughts born, sometimes, in thoughts grown, often times in thoughts growing.
For the love of me, I shine.
No doubts, my rise, your feel, but above I stay shining.
My sun.
The people, my son.
Allow me my labour.
My personal travail
but I would not deny you the joy.
Of seeing the son smile, after the cry.
It’s just me.
Me. Me. But I am excited when I see people who connect with me.
- O’gbemiro