“Your Brand is not what people say it is oh”
“Your brand is who people say you are.”
I hear this a lot when people start conversations about what branding is.
While this can be correct within the proper context, you can easily get lost in people’s definition of your brand without a tangible core. An appropriate brand strategy helps solve this problem as you answer the questions of who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and how you do it for them.
In a world where finding your community plays a significant role in how your brand scales, not being sure about “who you are” will make you many things to many people. And this is not a place you want to be, as inconsistencies subconsciously affect how people trust you.
Understanding your people plays a big role in defining yourself (when it comes to branding). However, when there is a conflict between how people see you and how you see yourself, that is a sign of a deeper problem that accepting a new definition does not solve.
Or, what do you think?